Over-Friendly Friend

Over-Friendly Friend

Cary Hoffman
5.0 / 5.0

One of the most beau­ti­ful and mean­ing­ful re­la­tion­ships is that between a mother and son. How­ever, this re­la­tion­ship is of­ten clouded by the fact both mother and son can „use“ each other in a most dis­turb­ing man­ner, if they be­come sexu­ally frus­trated.

It can be a psy­cho­lo­gical „us­age“ when the mother wants to be everything, and „do“ everything for her mar­velous son. And this can lead to the emas­cu­la­tion, that con­sequently leads to in­tim­ate sexual re­la­tions.

Such was the case in our story of Joey‘s friendly mother. She wanted to mean everything to her son, to com­pensate for the neg­lect of the father in his re­la­tion­ship with Joey. This went to ex­tremes, when out of her own sexual frus­tra­tion, she wanted to deny Joey the nor­mal de­vel­op­ment sexu­ally that every young boy must have if he is ever to de­velop into ma­tur­ity and man­hood.

Tra­gic­ally, she stepped over the bound­ary line of moth­erly roles, and touched her boy phys­ic­ally, turn­ing him on to sexual sen­sa­tions, he‘d never be­fore ex­per­i­enced.

The fresh ap­peal of his youth­ful body, com­bin­ing with his own lusty, eager de­sires posed prob­lems for them both. For, soon Joey was eager to par­ti­cip­ate in any kind of sex act that would re­lieve the nor­mal pres­sures a boy his age feels in his gen­ital zone. And when she ex­per­i­mented with his sexual or­gans, teach­ing him new kinds of love, she be­came in­fatu­ated, and fas­cin­ated with him sexu­ally.

Sex moved from „pleas­ure“ to „pas­sion­ate com­pul­sion“, and now Joey fell vic­tim to his mother‘s un­tamed, and un­curbed sexual de­sires.

To hold him un­der her power, she knew she had to com­pete with young wo­men he would meet, and she went into the sex com­pet­i­tion sweepstakes for her son‘s body, with a ven­geance. She was de­term­ined to keep Joey‘s body in her bed, at any price. Too late, she learned the cost of such cheap con­quest, and such selfish urges.

American Art Enterprises & Publisher's Consultants
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